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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why Evernote will save the world . . .

This year my employer, School District 93 in Idaho Falls, Idaho, is focusing on implementing technology in the classroom. In my role as a school psychologist, I would also like to better utilize technology. I feel like I often have a surplus of information but a lack of knowledge! 
This past summer I developed online "notebooks" through Evernote. Evernote creates notebooks that are stored on everywhere -- online, your desktop, your smart phone, etc. I decided to use Evernote as a way to organize all the documents related to education and psychology that I have received through the years -- a total of nearly 2,000 documents! Whew! My oldest son, Craig, helped me and now everything is in one spot! 
If you haven't used Evernote, check it out ASAP by clicking here. If you are like me and transitioning from being a paper junkie, imagine Evernote as a huge filing cabinet in your colleague's office: you can waltz in, look at the whatever you like, keep what you like and ignore what you don't! You can download Evernote for your desktop or phone, but if you don't feel the need to do that, you can still download my notes! 
My goal is to use this blog and Evernote as a resource for students, parents and educators. For example, I attended an RtI conference in Boise this past April. This notebook contains all the handouts from that conference. When Evernote appears on your screen, each document will look like a little box with a title below. Click on a box that looks interesting. Evernote will then call up a document  title with a paperclip graphic. Click on this graphic. The document is then loaded to your machine for you save, review, etc. 
Evernote also makes searching for information super simple. Let's say you want to only look for notes that contain the phrase "progress monitoring". Type these in the search box in the upper right hand corner and only notes that contain that phrase will appear. 
I have more than 100 notebooks which I will be adding. If you find a notebook you like, simply save the address to the your bookmarks. Whenever I add notes the website will be updated as well! Whee! 

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