There are a lot of great books out there for helping us help kids who struggle. I found a great one at Barnes and Noble the other day. The title is "School Success for Kids with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders". It was only $16, plus I bought it at the fundraiser for Rocky Mountain (go panthers!). They also have a great companion book for kids with ADHD that I love. What sets these books apart is that they are geared to the school setting. Many times there are great books out there for kids with various mood disorders, but they aren't necessarily geared toward school. This book has a great deal of info about Response to Intervention -- namely, the Top 10 Quality Indicators for Schoolwide and Classroom Interventions:
1. A problem solving framework is used
2. Intervention is sought early
3. Consequences are used rather than punishment
4. Staff is prepared, ethical, and from different disciplines
5. Language and reading needs are examined
6. Academics are paramount
7. Each school has a full continuum of support in the least restrictive environment
8. Data drive decisions
9. Both classroom management tools and behavior change tools are used
10. Parent partnerships are valued.
How does your school rate?

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