This has little if anything to do with ADHD, what I was supposed to focus on this month, but I got sidetracked (ironically)! This little clip about school bullying is only about 2 minutes but says a lot. Watch by clicking
If I had a quarter for every time that I have heard "Well, in my day, bullying was just a part of growing up" . . . I would probably, well, I would go buy something really expensive! If you are an adult reading this "your day" is dramatically different from anything that our children experience. Due to myriad factors (increased technology, decreased social barriers, increased stress), not only has bullying become an epidemic, because of Facebook, Twitter, etc., now everyone else in school knows about it!
It's a big deal. Take it seriously if someone you love is being impacted. Talk to them openly and with empathy, being glad they are trusting you to share -- it's shameful for many kids. Then take action. Talk to those involved, navigating carefully (parents sometimes find out that their child is not the innocent bystander they once believed). Other times, however, the incidents are one sided and the student needs an advocate.
For more help, check out more info than you thought you needed by clicking
here for resources from Teenagers Today -- much of it applies to any age group.